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Laura Gaskin
Gallery 2
Many of my recent embroideries are professionally framed rather than quilted. I bind the edges with thread before mounting them on a neutral white matte. They are then framed behind glass with a simple black wooden frame. The framed works are slightly smaller than the embroidery quilts, averaging 18" x 16".

Pansies-Monitor Match-Orig.4.75x7

Wise Owl


Pollinators (framed, 18"x16")

Pollinators (detail)

Monarchs and Milkweed (framed 18x16)

Monarchs and Milkweed (detail)

Clair de Lune (framed, 18"x16")

Clair de Lune (detail)

Winter Has Its Charms

Nasturtiums adjusted-0rig.6.125x8.125

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